Ready to Enroll in a UU Wellspring Program? |Facilitators: Register Here for Passwords After Enrollment and then Register for the 2-Hour Facilitation as a Sacred Opportunity Here.

UU Wellspring for Youth or Emerging Adults



LOVE: UU Wellspring for YEA! YEA is now the UUA acronym for Youth and Emerging  Adults. UU Wellspring is in partnership with them to create an 8-session UU Wellspring program focused on covenant building, sharing experiences, deep listening and storytelling.

LOVE: YEA! is our newest collaboration with the Lifespan Faith Development team at the UUA for Youth and Emerging Adults. “LOVE: UU Wellspring for YEA!” The program will use covenant building, reflections, experiences, and storytelling to explore the
values and covenants of our faith.

Participants will have the chance to engage in a holistic journey—one that combines intellectual exploration with experiential and transformative practices as well as a space to embody and live out those principles in a supportive community.

We are delighted to extend an invitation for you to join us in this 8-session experiential exploration of Unitarian Universalist values. “LOVE: UU Wellspring for YEA!” This program invites YEA to delve into the heart of our UU values and covenants, to life experiences and storytelling to explore our souls, our connection to Unitarian Universalism and our use of liberating love. This promises a unique and enriching experience to unite us as Unitarian Universalists.

We extend a warm invitation to you to be part of this transformative experience beginning. Your presence and participation will undoubtedly contribute to the richness of YEA as we collectively strive to cultivate a more compassionate, understanding, and loving world.

Love: UU Wellspring for YEA! can be an add on to your adult UUA Program or other Youth and Emerging Adult UU Wellspring programs,  or a stand alone without membership for $150.

Love: YEA! Calendar to Download |  Love: YEA! Sample Session 6



Sources and Spiritual Practices


In this 8-session program, High School Youth Groups or Cohorts of Emerging Young Adult participants aged 18-25 (or your definition of YA)  develop the spiritual practice of  gratitude, explore personal reflections on the UU Sources, and practice giving and receiving deep listening.

“UU Wellspring is definitely helping though and the last session was so refreshing and grounding, which I didn’t realize how much I needed until afterward! I love the structure of this too with the videos to watch beforehand without being too long but still interesting and impactful. I can’t wait for the next one honestly!” Cammie Horne, Florida Gulf Coast University.

 Cost $150 for UU Wellspring Congregations/Organizations.

Sample Youth Flyer | Youth Calendar | View Youth Overview | Sample Session for HS Youth

View Young Adult Overview | View Young Adult (YA 18-25) Calendar and Book List | Sample Session for Young Adults



Creating Meaning

In this 6-session program, High School Youth Groups or Cohorts of Emerging Young Adult participants aged 18-25 (or your definition of YA) engage in this joyful and centering curriculum to explores the values of Unitarian Universalism using a variety of centering activities, creative play and ritual. Within the small group gatherings, meaning is developed using playful and sacred activities that deepen faithful practices of Unitarian Universalists. Each session is also linked to a Proposed Article II value and covenant statement.

Each participant will take away a set of cards and a series of personalized items to create their own reminders of faith and what is meaningful to living a meaningful life.


The experiences, reflections and discussions strive to engage participants creatively in exploring how to live into Unitarian Universalist faith. The work will be personal. As you move through the reflections and activities, you will be invited into spiritual depth by practicing aspects of our faith.

The sessions do not require the purchase of books, but each participant needs a hard copy or online journal, altar cloths, stones, index cards and markers with other art materials optional. Facilitators can provide the materials, especially if you are meeting in person, or request these materials from the participants.

 Cost $150 for UU Wellspring Congregations/Organizations.

Overview of Creating Meaning | Sample Session for Creating Meaning