Love at the Center: UU Values and Covenants


Looking to delve more deeply into the “new” values and covenants at the heart of Unitarian Universalism? This program complies with all 2024 General Assembly amendments to the values & covenant statements in Article II.
Explanation of the Program, Sample First Session Email, and Booklist Included Below

What is Love at the Center?

  • a spiritual exploration of UU Values and Covenants (with love at the center!)
  • a nurturing space to share personal identities and experiences
  • a small group ministry based in deep listening, spiritual practice, spiritual companionship/direction
  • a place to learn about UU theology
  • an opportunity for transformational self-awareness
  • eleven 2-hour sessions (can be done either in-person or online)

What format is Love at the Center? Does my congregation host it, or do I join an online group that UU Wellspring facilitates?

The answer is both! Love at the Center is offered TWO ways:

1. Congregational memberships include access to two programs: Sources and Love at the Center. Congregations can offer one, or both programs for up to a year of on-going programming. When you purchase a congregational membership, you lead the program using the session scripts we provide. We even provide the emails you will send to the participants before each session. You can offer the sessions in-person or online at dates you schedule yourself.

2. Online Cohorts are online sessions facilitated by UU Wellspring’s experienced facilitators. Find the cohort that is right for you and then join each session by Zoom. Choose from:

  • Religious Professionals Cohort
    Dates Coming Soon
  • Clergy Cohort
    Dates Coming Soon
  • BIPOC Religious Professionals Cohort
    Dates Coming Soon
  • Congregational Members or Friend (Everyone Cohort)
    Dates Coming Soon
  • Seminarian Cohort (reduced fee, subsidized by MFN, the Ministerial Formation Network)
    Dates Coming Soon

Details of all cohorts are on the home page.

Individual cohorts for the year are $600 with a sliding scale of $400 or $500 if requested.

What books are needed for this program?

  • Beyond Welcome: Building Communities of Love, edited by Linnea Nelson, Skinner House Books, (2022).*
  • Faithful Practices: Everyday Ways to Feed Your Spirit, edited by Rev. Erik Wikstrom, Skinner House Books, (2018).*
  • Love at the Center: Unitarian Universalist Theologies, edited by Rev. Dr. Sophía Betancourt, Skinner House Books, Spring 2024. *Note that the paperback will be published Jan 15, 2025. Online books are available now and can be updated with no additional charge in January. Until then the selections you will need before then are in PDF form as supplied by Skinner House Books.
  • Sacred Nature: Restoring Our Ancient Bond with the Natural World, by Karen Armstrong (2022).**
  • Optional: UU Wellspring Love at the Center Reflection Journal.
  • The required books are all accessible from the UUA Inspirit Bookstore, in e-book format, and at online booksellers.

How does my congregation prepare to lead this program?

All facilitators are asked to participate in a 2-hour training, called “Facilitation as a Sacred Opportunity”  This program will be provided by UU Wellspring as part of membership. Here is the registration for Facilitation as a Sacred Opportunity (including options for dates). Please try to register for a program at least a couple of weeks out so that you have time to do the pre-work.

How do I enroll? 

Click here to enroll as an individual in an online cohort (we lead) or register your congregation to lead its own small group sessions (you lead).

Can I see a sample of the program?

Video Overview of the Love at the Center |  Sample Session | Welcome Email